Types Of: Angry People

Anger is a very common emotion felt by everyone in their lives. Sometimes it happens maybe once or twice a month for other people it could be once of twice a day. It all depends on who you are as a person and how you handle strong emotions.


But let’s face it, when someone is angry, it’s super funny. The way they struggle and stutter, I find it hilarious. So I’ve decided to compile a list of the different types of angry people I have come across in my life span and of course my wacky interpretation of them.


Angry type person number one!

The Shortage

This type of person is just insanely funny to me. And I have on several occasions laughed in this persons face, upfront, when they tried to be angry with me – sometimes not so smart.

When this person gets angry it’d like their body has no idea how handle this emotion so a wire or sometime snaps loose inside their brains and they just start twitching uncontrollably. This is mostly a muscle in the face like they eyelid or the corner or their mouths, maybe their neck starts to twitch and by then I just lose my shit and start laughing like a mad person.

Laughing at them can go both ways, sometimes seeing me laugh makes them laugh and they calm down and forget why they were angry and sometimes it makes them even more angry which makes them twitch even more which makes me almost pee my pants.

It’s a vicious cycle this one.

Angry type person number two!

The Disappointed Teacher


This type of angry person is a real buzz kill. In my opinion if I am in a fight with someone I’d at least like to be able to joke about it in my mind, but this person makes it impossible because they shame you so bad you feel like a naughty child who has been told to go stand in the corner and think about what you’ve done.

That is no fun.

If we are going to be fighting I’d prefer if we do it one of three ways, screaming, crying/laughing or bikini clad and drenched in oil (sorry, I’ve been told this blog is too girly and the boys needed something. Aaaaand you’re welcome.)


Angry type person number three!

The Not so Incredible Hulk

This person is about as intimidating as my yorkie is big and scary. But just like my yorkie he or she believes they are this incredibly scary monster of mass human destruction that will obliterate me from existence with just…one…look.

No. Just no.

You are a little flat faced kitten dressed in a hello kitty outfit eating Nuttella from a spork, my friend.  And that way you shall remain!

Angry type person number four!

The Bipolar/Scitzo – Holy shit I might die right now

  This person is super intimidating. They might not look it, they might not sound like it but when they are mad at you, you suddenly fear for your life. They don’t scream – much, they tend to remain fairly even toned, at first. Then suddenly they break out and you nearly shit yourself because for the moment you thought they were handling it quite well but then suddenly they lose their freaking minds!

One moment they give you the God Father speech right before someone “sleeps with the fishes” and the next moment they tell you how much they love you and how your actions/behaviors disappoints them beyond words and they won’t stand for it.

Run. Run as fast as your legs and carry you!


Angry type person number Five!

The Hold me Back! Hold me Back! Will Someone Please Hold Me Back?!


 This person really wants to be intimidating when they’re angry, they do, they really, really do. But… they’re not. The fact that they try to be this kind of person is honestly just pathetic and so irritating because asking your friends to hold you back just seems cowardly.

Like, if you want to act all tough and imply that ass is going to be kicked then you better be prepared to kick some ass or you just seem and probably are a little bitch.

I mean come on! Grow a pair and rub some dirt on it or something.

Angry type person number Six!

The Ugly Cry Face

  Bless this person’s heart but they cannot deal with the emotion that is anger. This person (me) hates conflict and will do whatever it takes to avoid it. They’d be more then willing (me) to literally hide from it. But as life sometimes would have it, you just aren’t able to hide from some things and you have to face it which brings me to the ugly cry face you (me) make during the whole fight.

You aren’t necessarily crying to be exact but the different emotions just kind of like contort your face into this weird crying and/or screaming position which doesn’t go away and makes you look like you just took the most painful dump in the history of most painful dumps ever. Ever. (Me).


 Angry type person number Seven!

The Sarcastic Commentator

This person deserves a visit from the (he Bipolar/Scitzo – Holy shit I might die right now) angry person because their behavior is just not acceptable.

Instead of being a regular person and either telling or yelling that they are made this person decides to keep that information for themselves and just undermine every single little thing that you do and bad mouth you to everyone on the face of the planet.

That, Sir or Madam, is not cool! Nobody likes this kind of person so do not be them. It just takes that much longer to resolve the situation and you are making it massively uncomfortable for everyone involved and all of the random people you are randomly involving so shut your face and come clean on why you are angry.

Nobody likes a sleazy two faced person so stop it!

Close up of angry man with steam coming out from his ears

So there you have it, a couple of different types of angry people we all meet and most of us are! Hope this tickled a funny bone and made this Monday not so blue.

Stay weird people!

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